Your Certified Legal
Nurse Consultant

Amanda Flowe, BSN, RN, CCM, CLNC has 16 years of experience as a Registered Nurse,

primarily in Women’s Health/OBGYN, with a focus on Infertility & High Risk OB cases. She has 4 years of experience as a Certified Case Manager at a large health insurance company, with a focus on Medicare Case Management. Amanda also has experience in management & Electronic Heath Record implementation at several large organizations making her an expert at the inner-workings of the healthcare system. She was chosen as a Remarkable 45 nurse, nominated by her colleagues as one of the top 45 nurses in a large organization for her knowledge, mentoring and initiative to identify issues and implement changes. Her attention to detail and inquisitive nature can save you TIME and MONEY! Go with the FLOWE today! Click below and schedule your FREE initial consultation!

My Story

How I Got Started

Consider the birds!!!!! The birds do not worry about their next meal or where they will sleep. Jesus told us not to worry about life and to have FAITH that God will take care of us. That is exactly what I am doing. I am following a dream to be a Nurse Entrepreneur—to share my knowledge and expertise with law professionals. I have always been intrigued by the judicial system and now God has blessed me with the opportunity to utilize my nursing degree in the legal world! My goal is to do God’s work & be a BLESSING to others.

I am married to my best friend. I have a 16 year old husky named Rocco and he is a momma’s boy. I am a full time aunt and I absolutely love spending time with my nieces and god-children. I also love to play tennis.

I look forward to getting to work with you and appreciate your interest in doing business with me!

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?